Actress wearing Half-Saree

Actress wearing Half-Saree

The half-Saree is a traditional outfit. The young girls look very attractive and make an adorable feeling in the minds of young men. It is called as Langa- Voni in Telugu. Actress wearing Half- saree appears often in the films mostly with village back ground. Truly, it adds beauty to the scene. Actress wearing Half-Saree is featured in the movies in the view of showing off their bosom and the shape of their thighs.

It comprises a skirt which is tied around the waist using string, and a Voni, which is a cloth usually 2 to 2.5 metres in length. The voni is draped diagonally over a tight fitting blouse. North indian women call this outfit as Gagra Choli. But it is slightly different to Half- saree(Langa Voni). Since the voni is very small it could cover the body up to the navel of the girl. So, the novel , and the shape of the thighs look to be quite alluring and tempting.

Most the film makers  get the heroines to wear the half-sarees to show their seductive thighs. They are under perception that the scenes of the actress wearing half- saree impress the audience so that the film would record hit at the box office. Therefore they prefer to have  the Actress wearing Half-Saree in their movies. For them, it is one of the success formulae.

Amala Paul

Amala Paul looks cute in this image where she wears Half- saree.

Actress wearing Half-Saree



Saloni wearing the Half-saree is showing off her navel. Her smiling expression is quite impressive and tempting.

Actress wearing Half-Saree

Madhu Shalini

Madhu Shalini appears to be so sexy in Half- saree that the movie enthusiasts salivate by seeing her pose here.

Actress wearing Half-Saree

Tapsi Pannu

Tapsi is like our next door girl who is posing for us at some function at our home.

Actress wearing Half-Saree

  Actress wearing Half-Saree-Praneetha Subhash

Bubbly Praneetha is class of her own to flaunt her half-saree attire.

Actress wearing Half-Saree

Poonam Bazwa

Poonam Bazwa is tempting  in her half-saree.

Actress wearing Half-Saree

Monal Gajjar

Monal really looks beautiful in  the Half- saree’.

Actress wearing Half-Saree


Kamalini Mukherji

Actress wearing Half-Saree

Nisha Agarwal

Nisha Agarwal, the Actress wearing Half-Saree appears very seductive in the Half-Saree.

Actress wearing Half-Saree

Avika Gour

Actress wearing Half-Saree

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